Wednesday 14 October 2009

English Action and State verbs

English Action and State verbs
In English language there are verbs that are not normally used in the Continuous Tense, because they describe rather state than an action. They are called state verb (stative verbs, non-progressive verbs).

The verbs that can be used in the Continuous Tense are called action verbs (dynamic verbs).

Some verbs can be both state and action verbs depending on their meaning.
Here are some verbs that are not normally used in the Continuous Tense.

like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, remember, forget, believe, mean, seem, understand,
want, need, know, belong, own

Here are a few verbs that can be both state and action verbs depending on their meaning.
I think you made a mistake. think = believe
I am thinking about my mum now. think = mental process
I have two cars. have = possess, own
I am having my lunch now. have = eat
I am seeing my friend tomorrow evening. see = meeting with
I see what you mean. See = understand

English Action and State Verbs - Practice

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